Peter Drucker Forum 2013: “Managing Complexity?” by Charles Handy

handy cover

At the 2013 Peter Drucker Forum, the British philosopher, Charles Handy began by pointing out that one person who was completely unconcerned by complexity in the world was Peter Drucker himself. He never touched the internet and did not like to use technology in general.  For the rest of us, we need to be able to deal with this.



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Looked for an image of complexity because he felt we would get tired of the word over the coming days.

Jackson Pollock : Number 14 Grey

Is it a mess ? It is untidy and can you manage it ?

This is a symbol of what the world will look like in the future.


Charles Handy was brought up being told that all problems could be solved. However, decisions on marriage and children and your life do not correspond to simple models.His own wife taught him to see things differently. He confesses that he would often ague rationally and logically and his wife would end the conversation by saying:

“Your arguments are logical, but I am right.”

We are often confronted with the same challenge in business.


Number 14 grey

Jackson Pollock´s Number 14 Grey

Money has become a problem in today’s world, as it swamps what we do. We all have different sides to our personality and this may seem complex but we need to decide which are the most important aspects to bring to the fore. Ideally, we should not compete with others but only try to compete with ourselves.


The best organizations that will survive in the world are ones that cannot grow anymore and can only compete with themselves. Examples of this are orchestras, theatres etc. Once you understand this concept you simple try to improve. This can be relevant for business as well as personal life and particularly for the many successful small family business that exist around the world.


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